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近代广东画坛最为引人注目的画家,莫过于高剑父。在应对变动的近代画坛,高氏首次把以山元春举为代表的日本融入到中国画中去,创造了一种有别于传统中国画的新的面貌,亦即当世之人所称谓的“折衷派”绘画和他自己所认为的“新国画”。新派绘画的出现,自他20世纪初年留学日本起。游学日本,至少为高氏以后的生涯带来了两方面重要的影响,一是绘画中新风格的开创,一是政治生涯的奠基点。高氏的老同盟会会员的身份和追随孙中山参加革命的政治背景,是他的画名在民国时期广为人知的一个不可或缺的重要原因。高剑父的政治生涯主要集中在清亡前五年和民国初年,从20世纪20年代中期开始,他逐渐淡出政治舞台。探讨高氏由政治到艺术的转变和他思想的变化,对了解他的艺术思想,尤其是在近代广东艺术史上具有不可代替的价值。这亦是本文展开的关键所在。本文借由高剑父完成二十年代丙寅年的一幅立轴——《镇海楼》——展开,借以勾勒高氏政治活动的大率生平事迹,进而廓清并厘定他思想发展变化的脉络和充满哀伤的文人情怀的内心世界。 Modern painting in Guangdong most striking painter, than the high sword father. In response to changes in the modern art scene, Gaos first incorporated Japan, represented by the Shan-yuan Spring Campaign, into Chinese painting and created a new look that is different from the traditional Chinese painting, that is, the compromise School “painting and what he thinks” new Chinese painting “. The emergence of new school painting since he studied in Japan in the early 20th century. Traveling to Japan, at least for the post-Gao career brought two important aspects, one is the creation of a new style of painting, one is the cornerstone of political career. It is an indispensable and important reason why his name was widely known during the Republic of China. His identity as an Old Confederate member and the political background of following Sun Yat-sen’s participation in the revolution were highlighted. Gao Jianfu’s political career mainly concentrated in the first five years of the Qing dynasty and the early Republican China, from the mid-1920s, he gradually faded out of the political arena. To discuss Gao’s change from politics to art and his thoughts, to understand his art thoughts, especially in the history of modern Guangdong art, has irreplaceable value. This is also the key of this article. This article by Gao Jianfu completed Bing Yin years of the twentieth century, a vertical axis - ”Zhenhai Tower" - to start, in order to outline Gao’s political activities of the magnanimist life story, and then identify and determine the evolution of his thought context and Inner world full of sad literary feelings.
摘要介绍了北安市实施土地规模经营的主要模式和促进土地流转的主要措施,以期促进土地资源向土地资本转化。  关键词土地流转;规模经营;模式;措施;黑龙江北安  中图分类号 F321.1 文献标识码A文章编号 1007-5739(2009)02-0295-01    近年来,随着北安市农业的不断发展,农业生产水平有了较大程度的提高,但原有一家一户土地分散的经营模式,不具备应用农业现代技术和实行科学种植方