洪朝辉(美国宾州西切斯特大学副校长 教授)在2002年底中国首届城市反贫困论坛上撰文指出:近25年来,中国出现了财富与贫困同步积聚的现象和效应。针对经济越高速增长,城市贫困越严重的两难,目前中国学界和官方的解释主要有七种:一是市场经济竞争的无情;二是经济收入分配的不公;三是社会保障制度的残缺;四是城市失业人口的剧增;五是民众文化素质的欠缺;六是制度转型和对外开放的压力;七是对弱势群体的社会排斥和社会剥夺。
Hong Chaohui, a vice chancellor professor at the University of West Chester in the United States, wrote at the first forum on urban anti-poverty in China at the end of 2002 that in the past 25 years China has witnessed the phenomenon and effect of the simultaneous accumulation of wealth and poverty. For the more rapid economic growth, the more serious urban dilemma of the dilemma, the current Chinese academia and government explanations are mainly seven kinds: First, the ruthless market economy competition; second is the unfair distribution of income; Third, the social security system is incomplete; Fourth Is the sharp increase in the urban unemployed population; Fifth, the lack of cultural quality of the public; Sixth, institutional reform and opening up pressure; seven is the social exclusion of disadvantaged groups and social deprivation.