一、引言 在各国经济的发展过程中,我们可以清楚地看到,越是经济发达的国家,公路网也相当发达,如美国、日本、亚洲“四小龙”等;而经济落后的国家,公路网大都较为落后。因此,公路网的发达程度是现代社会经济发展水平和现代化的重要标志之一。改革开放以来,我国公路发展迅速,取得了可喜的成绩,重要表现在:公路里程逐年增加,公路总里程突破了100万公里大关,实现了全国所有的县都通公路的目标;随着公路里程的增加,公路等级和路面质量都有明显
I. INTRODUCTION In the process of economic development in various countries, we can clearly see that in the more economically developed countries, the road network is also quite developed, such as the “four little dragons” in the United States, Japan and Asia; while the economically backward countries, highways Most of the network is more backward. Therefore, the level of development of the highway network is one of the most important symbols of the level of modern social and economic development and modernization. Since the reform and opening up, China's rapid development of the highway has made gratifying achievements, mainly in the following aspects: the mileage of the highway increases year by year, the total mileage of the highway has exceeded the mark of 1 million km, and all the county roads in the country have been met; Increased mileage, road grade and pavement quality are obvious