全世界的柑桔主产国都面临着加速品种更新的艰巨任务。 1975~1979年的五年中,世界柑桔生产以每年增产110万吨的高速度发展着。据《联合国粮农组织农产物预测》称,至1985年,世界柑桔总产量可达6370万吨,而市场需要量为5886万吨左右(折全世界平均每人消费量为12.4公斤),产大于需,差额为483万吨。同时,人们对柑桔果品的要求,正朝着高品质化和多品种化发展。 日本柑桔业采取积极的姿态,及时进行品种登记,使新品种迅速得以确认,推动品种更新的浪潮,以抵挡温州蜜柑过剩的冲
Citrus countries all over the world are faced with the arduous task of accelerating species renewal. During the five years from 1975 to 1979, citrus production in the world grew at an annual rate of 1.1 million tons. According to the “Forecast of Agricultural Products of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization,” the total output of citrus in the world will reach 63.7 million tons by 1985, while the market demand will be 58.86 million tons (12.4 kg per capita in the world) More than needed, the difference is 4.83 million tons. At the same time, people’s demands for citrus fruits are moving toward high-quality and multi-variety. Japan citrus industry to take a positive attitude, timely registration of varieties, so that new varieties quickly be identified to promote the wave of species updates to resist the excess of Wenzhou satsuma red