“五四”新文学时期著名女作家苏雪林与新文化运动的三位元勋李大钏、胡适,陈弛秀都有交往,前二位因曾在北京女子高等师范(今北师大前身)任教,苏雪林1919年考入该校,亲列李大钊,胡适门墙受教二载,执师攻之礼而敬之。唯与安徽同乡陈独秀仅有两面之缘。从1917年在安庆闻其大名,到1937年在武昌和1938年住汉口两度谋面,时间竟相隔20年,此中还经历了由“憎恶”、“仇恨”到心仪敬佩的戏剧性转变。 苏雪林晚年在回忆文章《升学北京女子高等师范》中说:“第一次听到陈独秀的名字是在安庆,那时我在省立第
In the May 4th Movement, the famous writer Su Xuelin in the New Literature period had contact with the three rich fellow Li Dakun, Hu Shih and Chen Chih-Hsiu in the New Culture Movement. The former two were former teachers of Beijing Women’s Normal University (now Beijing Normal University) Admitted to the school, pro Li Dazhao, Hu Shimen door taught two contained, hold the ground attack and respect the ceremony. Only with Anhui native Chen Duxiu only two edges. From the name of Anqing in 1917, until 1937 in Wuchang and lived in Hankou in 1938 twice as soon as the time elapsed, there was also a dramatic change from “hate” and “hatred” to admire. In his later years, Su Xuelin recalled the article “Studying in Beijing Girls’ Higher Normal”: "For the first time, Chen Duxiu’s name was heard in Anqing when I was in the province