报导了一种新型的对绿光敏感的光致聚合物材料。该材料以丙烯酰胺为单体 ,由光引发剂 ,共引发剂 ,成膜物等组成。本材料记录的全息图衍射效率可达 5 5 %。在光聚物上采用角度复用技术存储了 10幅图像 ,得到的再现像信噪比较高。说明该材料适合于大容量体全息存储。
Reported a new type of green light sensitive photopolymer material. The material to acrylamide monomer, the photoinitiator, coinitiator, film-forming material and other components. The material recorded hologram diffraction efficiency up to 55%. In photopolymer, the angle multiplexing technology is used to store 10 images and the reproduced image has a high signal-to-noise ratio. This material is suitable for large volume holographic storage.