1976年苏联学者从 Petlium eduarde中分出西贝素氮氧化物(imperialine N—oxide),但与以西贝素(imPerialine)为原料经 H_2O_2氧化制得的合成品并不一致,且文中未见两种西贝素氮氧化物的结构。自后,日本学者从淅贝母(Fritillaria tjimbesgii)中分出淅贝乙素氮氧化物(VerticinoneN—Oxide)1和浙贝母碱氮氧化物(Verticine N-oxide)_2。而1与2中N→O键的β—取向仅仅基于:
Soviet scholars seperated the imperialine N-oxide from Petlium eduarde in 1976, but not with the oxidized H_2O_2 from imPerialine as raw material, and no two Structure of Siebaxil NOX. Since then, Japanese scholars have isolated Trichosanthes Nitrogen Oxide1 and Verticine N-oxide2 from Fritillaria tjimbesgii. While the β-orientation of N → O bonds in 1 and 2 is based solely on: