我做学生的时候,最怕记外国人的长名字。为此,历史老师诙谐地告诉我们一个永不忘记的好办法。他举例法国资产阶级革命时期,雅各宾派的首领罗伯斯比尔,可以记作“萝卡撕皮儿”,把国民卫军任总指挥的拉法夷脱,不妨说成“拉发易脱”。同学们一听都乐了,而时过50年后的今天,我还没有忘掉这两个名字呢! 俗话说:“百闻不如一见”。经历,对学习的理解和增强记忆,确是很有帮助的。比如学自然,可以让孩子自己动手做做实验,进行一番观察,作一次比较,巧设一个比喻,既
When I was a student, I was most afraid to remember foreigners’ long names. To this end, the history teacher humorously told us a good way to never forget. For example, during the French bourgeois revolution, the chief of Jacobin, Robespierre, could be described as “Roca ripper,” and to take the Lafayette of the National Guard as commander in chief. Off. " The classmates were all overjoyed, but after 50 years, I have not forgotten the two names! It is really helpful to experience, to understand and to enhance memory of learning. Such as learning natural, you can let the children do their own experiment, for some observation, for a comparison, cleverly set up a metaphor, both