今年 1 1月 2 4日是刘少奇诞辰 1 0 5周年纪念日。刘少奇是伟大的马克思主义者 ,是为中国革命和新中国建设作出卓越贡献的无产阶级革命家、政治家、理论家 ,是以毛泽东为核心的中共领导集体的主要成员之一。在新中国成立之初 ,他和毛泽东等领导人呕心沥血 ,共同筹划新中国的建国伟业 ,留下了大量文稿。这些文稿包含了丰富的历史内容 ,反映了他对中国革命、中国共产党建设和新中国各项奠基事业的真知灼见。为了纪念这位历史伟人 1 0 5周年诞辰 ,缅怀他的丰功伟绩 ,本刊特选登他在这期间未曾发表过的文稿 9篇。这 9篇文稿均收入即将由中央文献出版社出版的《建国以来刘少奇文稿》 (第一至四册 )。文中错、漏字分别用〈 〉〔 〕标示。毛泽东加写的文字用楷体字排出 ,以示区别。
January 24 this year is the birthday of Liu Shao-chih’s 100th anniversary. Liu Shaoqi, a great Marxist, is a proletarian revolutionary, politician and theorist who made outstanding contributions to the Chinese revolution and the construction of New China. He is one of the key members of the CPC’s leadership collective with Mao as the core. At the beginning of the founding of New China, he and Mao Zedong and other leaders made painstaking efforts to jointly plan the founding of new China, and left a large number of contributions. These contributions contain a wealth of historical content, reflecting his insights on the Chinese revolution, the Chinese Communist Party building and the founding of New China. In commemoration of the celebration of the 105th anniversary of this great man of history and his memory of his great accomplishments, we have selected 9 articles that he has never published in this period. These nine contributions are all about to be published by the Central Literature Publishing House “since the founding of Liu Shaoqi manuscript” (the first four volumes). Wrong text, missed words were marked with "> 〔〕. The words written by Mao Tse-tung were drained in italics to show the difference.