珠江三角洲 (以下简称珠三角 )由广州、深圳、珠海三个中心城市所辐射的 34个市 (县 )的广大地域组成 ,面积约 6万平方公里 ,人口为 30 0 0多万。珠三角是我国第一个改革开放实验区 ,正在大踏步地进入信息时代。从 1 978年起 ,经济年均增长率达 2 4 %以上。经济快速增长促进了?
The Pearl River Delta (hereinafter referred to as the Pearl River Delta) consists of a vast area of 34 cities (counties) radiating from the three central cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. It covers an area of about 60,000 square kilometers and has a population of over 30 million. The Pearl River Delta is China’s first experimental zone for reform and opening up and is making great strides in the information age. From 1978 onwards, the average annual economic growth rate reached more than 24%. Rapid economic growth has promoted?