Tentative SLA Teaching Techniques:Verbal Humour Analysed from Sitcom“Friends”as viewed by CP

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Within the study I conducted,the sitcom Friends was the focus of verbal humour,which was identified,as well as analysed.This helped apply Cooperative Principle model from Grice’s behaviour.The overall analysis was based on pragmatic theories and resulted in the Gricean model being an important and valuable tool when it comes to explaining the humour of the generation and this is a good way for L2 learners to also implicate this into real life situations. Within the study I conducted, the sitcom Friends was the focus of verbal humor, which was identified, as well as analysed. This helped apply Cooperative Principle model from Grice’s behavior. The overall analysis was based on pragmatic theories and resulted in the Gricean model being an important and valuable tool when it comes to explaining the humor of the generation and this is a good way for L2 learners to also implicate this into real life situations.
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