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2005年我国报纸广告收入增幅首次出现低于GDP增幅,如果排除刊例价上涨因素,2005年的报业广告是零增长,甚至是负增长。报业在整个广告蛋糕中所占分量也在2005年下降了3%。从国外情况看,自90年代中期开始,日本和欧美的报业也出现了发行逐渐下滑和广告增长减缓这样一个局势。尽管针对近年来报业的变化,业界和学界出现了很多学说,如“寒冬说”、“拐点说”,甚至“消亡说”等。一些对市场变化敏感的报纸己经在探讨或实践内在和外在的创新,包括报纸媒体向数字化平台延伸等。事实上,纵观国内报业市场的发展,基本上经历了一个从低到高,再从高到底,再从低到高这样一个发展过程。从改革开放初起中国报纸市场的低迷到80年代至90年代初的繁荣,再从90年代初的低潮到90年代中期都市类报纸的兴起,中国报业市场迎来了又一个发展高潮时期。但是进入2000年后,随着都市类报纸同质化加剧,特别是网络新媒体的风起云涌,报纸媒体受到了从未有过的冲击,这也促使报纸媒体再次滑入低谷。但对今天的读者,广告主来说,报纸仍然是不可忽视的媒介力量和重要的传播渠道。而报纸媒体本身在当前中国仍然有其存在的价值和空间。当前的问题就是看谁的改革快,力度大,创新强,谁就会再次站在纸媒体迎来的下一个高潮头上。事过境迁,这次纸媒体所遇到的困难与以往都不一样,激烈的市场竞争需要纸媒体从自身进行一系的变革和创新,惟独经历这种凤凰涅磐的重生,才能获得真正的新生。但对国内纸媒体来说,这种变革与创新也是大姑娘座轿子,没有什么现成经验可以借鉴。也正因如此,我们觉得有必要邀请企业界、广告界和传媒了界这三方利益共同者,会集一堂共同来探讨报纸媒体的发展之策,来进一步探讨传统纸媒体的广告的价值和传播效果,就显得非常具有现实意义。参加这次探讨的有知名广告公司的媒介策划和购买,上海各报纸媒体和其他大报驻上海的广告经营负责人,知名企业市场企划部门负责人,还有国内知名的市场研究机构。 For the first time in 2005, the newspaper advertising revenue growth in China was lower than the GDP growth rate. If we exclude the rising issue price of newspapers and magazines, the newspaper advertisement in 2005 will have zero growth or even negative growth. The share of the press in the entire advertising cake also dropped 3% in 2005. Judging from abroad, since the mid-1990s, the press in Japan, Europe and the United States also experienced a gradual decline in distribution and a slowdown in the growth of advertising. Despite the changes in the newspaper industry in recent years, there have been many theories in the industry and academia, such as “winter talk”, “inflection point” and even “extinction”. Some newspapers that are sensitive to market changes are already exploring or implementing internal and external innovations, including the extension of the newspaper media to digital platforms. In fact, looking at the development of the domestic newspaper market basically has undergone a development from low to high, from high to low and from low to high. From the downturn of China’s newspaper market since the beginning of the reform and opening up to the prosperity of the 1980s and early 1990s, from the low ebb in the early 1990s to the rise of urban newspapers in the mid-1990s, the Chinese newspaper market ushered in another period of high growth. However, after 2000, with the homogenization of metropolitan newspapers becoming more and more serious, especially the new online media, the newspapers and media have been hit hard. This has also pushed the newspaper media to the bottom again. But for today’s readers and advertisers, the newspaper is still an indispensable media force and an important channel of communication. The newspaper media itself still has its value and space in existence in China at present. The current issue is to see who’s quick reform, intensity, and innovation, who will once again stand in the paper media usher in the next climax. Eventually, the difficulties encountered by the paper media were different from those in the past. The fierce market competition required the paper media to make a series of changes and innovations from itself. Only through the rebirth of this kind of phoenix can Nirvana get a real new life. However, for the domestic paper media, this change and innovation is also a big sedan sedan chair, there is no ready-made experience can learn from. For this reason, we think it is necessary to invite the common interests of the three parties in business, advertising and media circles to come together to discuss the development strategy of the newspaper media to further explore the value and dissemination of advertisements in the traditional paper media Effect, it is very practical significance. Participate in this discussion of well-known advertising agency media planning and purchase, the Shanghai newspaper media and other major newspapers in Shanghai, the advertising business leader, well-known enterprise market planning department heads, as well as domestic well-known market research institutions.
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目的 分析青海省棘球蚴病住院患者的临床资料和治疗情况,为提高棘球蚴病的综合诊治效果提供科学依据.方法 以青海省人民医院2016年1月—2019年6月收治的949例棘球蚴病住院患
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目的 探索一种改良矫正术治疗老年上睑松弛的临床效果.方法 自2016年6月~2019年3月应用改良术式矫正老年上睑松弛136例.设计“鱼豚状”切口 ACBDA,A点位于眉下缘距眉头0.5~1.0