Interfacial defects of hard magnetic Pr2Fe14B phase from amorphous to nanostructures

来源 :中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanhsy
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The interfacial defects of hard magnetic Pr2 Fe14 B phase from amorphous to nanostructures have been investigated by positron lifetime spectroscopy. The nanostructure was produced by melt-spinning and nanocrystallization route. The two main components can
90W-7Ni-3Fe and (90- x) W-xTa-7Ni-3Fe (x = 1,3,5,7,10) specimens were attained by liquid phase sintering. A model describing the process of liquid forming and s
Expert systems have been used widely in the predictions and design of alloy systems. But the expert systems are based on the macroscopic models that have no phy
前不久,北京市委常委、常务副市长李士祥在“京津冀协同发展论坛”上说:“最近社会对汽车单双号上路的意见积极,建议单双号成为常态,包括周六日。”此语一出,众声喧哗。随后,李在接受采访时又补充道,“北京是否实施单双号限行常态化,尚需认真研究和论证。”  为何提出单双号限行?原因说来简单,APEC期间,首都天清气朗,出现可喜的“APEC蓝”,这就让关心首都空气质量的人顺理成章地想到,既然APEC期间可以治