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近年来我国的经济社会得到了快速发展,用电量也在急剧增加,电力企业的压力巨大。电力营销工作作为电力企业的重要分支,对供电质量会造成很大影响,因此电力营销是电力企业提高经济效益的有效方式。但现阶段我国的电力营销工作中还有很多问题需要解决,这就需要我们对此高度重视,而电力营销稽查能够保证电力营销的顺利进行,所以文章针对电力营销稽查工作中存在问题进行较为深入的分析,并提出了具有针对性的解决措施,希望通过文章的分析,能够促进电力事业的健康、有序发展。 In recent years, China’s economic and social development has been rapid development, electricity consumption is also rapidly increasing, the pressure on power companies. As an important branch of power enterprises, power marketing work will have a great impact on the quality of power supply. Therefore, power marketing is an effective way for power enterprises to improve economic efficiency. However, there are still many problems to be solved in our country’s power marketing work at this stage, which requires us to attach great importance to it. However, the power marketing audit can ensure the smooth progress of power marketing. Therefore, the article deeply discusses the problems existing in the power marketing auditing work Analysis and put forward specific solutions to the problem, hope that through the analysis of the article, can promote the healthy and orderly development of power industry.
蛇尾纲生物是重要的棘皮动物类群,广泛分布于世界海洋底栖生境。萨氏真蛇尾(Ophiura sarsii)是北太平洋–北极–北大西洋海域常见的环北极冷水种,其亚种浅水萨氏真蛇尾(O.sar
为了应对不断增长的流量和更好的服务质量需求,保证用户可以使用更加稳定高效的传输服务,第五代移动通信系统(5th Generation Mobile Communication System,5G)需要能够达到