鸦片战争期间,英国侵略者曾几度入侵浙江,给浙江人民特别是舟山人民带来了深重的灾难,在国破家亡时刻,浙江人民高举爱国主义旗帜,不屈不挠地与英国侵略者进行了斗争,表现了可歌可泣的英勇壮举,在中国近代史上写下了光辉的篇章。本文根据有关英方档案和中方档案史料的记述,对这一问题作些探讨。 一、英军犯浙是英国政府蓄谋已久的战争目标
During the Opium War, the British invaders had invaded Zhejiang several times, bringing deep disaster to the people of Zhejiang, especially to the people of Zhoushan. At the time of the country’s collapse, the people of Zhejiang held high the banner of patriotism and fought unbridledly with the British aggressors , Demonstrating the brave heroic feat, wrote a brilliant chapter in the modern history of China. This article based on the British archives and the historical records of Chinese archives to explore this issue. First, the British guilty of Zhejiang is a deliberately planned war by the British government