PMA 2003商业展览会今年3月在美国拉斯维加斯的 Las Vegas Convention Center举行。PMA 年展是世界影像工业最为重要的展览盛事,每年各大厂商的创新、热门的数码光学技术(包括最新的 CCD 成像技术、光学镜头、数码处理软件、数码存储技术等)都会在这里发布。日本奥林巴斯光学工业股份公司(Olympus)在会上正式展出全系列4/3单反机身系统、ESYS 系列镜头与其他配件。这次展出较去年 CeBit 的概念模型更加精致,包括:外接闪光灯、相机垂直把手和外接电池包等。显示 Olympus 已经蓄势待发,做好上市前的准备了。ESYS 镜
PMA 2003 trade show in March this year at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas. The annual exhibition of PMA is the most important exhibition event in the world’s video industry. Every year, the innovations of major manufacturers and the popular digital optical technologies (including the latest CCD imaging technology, optical lens, digital processing software, digital storage technology, etc.) will be released here. Olympus Japan Co., Ltd. officially exhibited at the meeting a full range of 4/3 SLR body system, ESYS series of lenses and other accessories. The show is more sophisticated than the CeBit concept model last year, including an external flash, vertical camera handle and an external battery pack. Olympus has shown ready, ready to go public. ESYS mirror