国际纺织品服装局(ITCB)代表理事会第35届会议近日在越南河内召开。这次会议主要讨论了现在和将来的国际纺织品贸易环境,对 WTO 成员关于《纺织品与服装协定》(ATC)的执行情况进行了评估和预测,并对主要纺织品进口国将来可能采取的贸易政策进行了分析。ITCB 是由25个发展中纺织品出口国或地区组成的一个国际性组织,致力于减少并最终
The 35th Session of the International Council of Textile and Apparel Council (ITCB) Representative Council was held in Hanoi, Vietnam recently. The conference mainly discussed the current and future international textile trade environment, evaluated and predicted the implementation of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) among WTO members and carried out trade policies that the major textile importing countries may take in the future Analysis. ITCB is an international organization of 25 developing textile exporting countries or regions dedicated to reducing and ultimately