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采用RTW熔体物性测定仪研究了中性气氛条件下高铝中钛型高炉渣的黏度和熔化性温度,得到了碱度和化学成分等因素对其黏度和熔化性温度的影响规律。结果表明:在中性气氛条件下,当炉渣碱度从0.92提高到1.12时,炉渣的黏度降低、熔化性温度升高;随着渣中MgO含量的升高,炉渣的黏度先降低再升高;增加渣中Al2O3含量,炉渣的黏度显著提高。当Al2O3的质量分数大于14.75%后对炉渣黏度的影响不明显;当TiO2的质量分数在10.57%~14.57%范围内增加时,高铝中钛渣的黏度随之降低,即在理想条件下,TiO2含量和温度的增加对炉渣黏度影响均不大。但当高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿时,炉渣中的Ti(C,N)等高熔点物质随原料中TiO2含量的增加和炉温的上升而增加,将对炉渣黏度产生很大的影响,故冶炼时应控制高炉内TiO2的还原以少生成高熔点钛化合物,并且严格控制铁水温度以使高炉接受矿石钛含量。 The viscosity and melting temperature of titanium-type high-alumina blast furnace slag under neutral atmosphere were studied by RTW melt physical analyzer. The influence of alkalinity and chemical composition on the viscosity and melting temperature of the slag was studied. The results show that when the basicity of slag is increased from 0.92 to 1.12 in neutral atmosphere, the viscosity of slag decreases and the melting temperature increases. With the increase of MgO content in slag, the viscosity of slag decreases first and then increases ; Increase the slag Al2O3 content, the viscosity of slag increased significantly. When the mass fraction of Al2O3 is more than 14.75%, the influence on slag viscosity is insignificant. When the mass fraction of TiO2 increases from 10.57% to 14.57%, the viscosity of titanium slag in high aluminum decreases. Under the ideal conditions, The increase of TiO2 content and temperature have little effect on the viscosity of slag. However, when the blast furnace smelts vanadium-titanium magnetite, the high melting point materials such as Ti (C, N) in the slag increase with the increase of TiO2 content in the raw material and the rise of the furnace temperature, which will have a great influence on the slag viscosity Smelting should control the reduction of TiO2 in the blast furnace to generate less high-melting point titanium compounds, and strictly control the hot metal temperature to make the blast furnace to accept the titanium content of ore.
《意见》共分九大部分:$$   一、认真学习贯彻党的十七届六中全会和省委九届十三次全会精神,切实增强推进文化青岛建设、打造文化强市的责任感和紧迫感$$   二、大力
穿行在洞口县山门镇古色古香、充满念想的松坡街,我找寻蔡锷将军儿时的足迹。  巷子深处,一座中西合璧的青砖门楼古建筑,局部饰以浓墨彩绘,设三开大门,正中大门上方镶嵌着“蔡锷公馆”四个大字,两旁镌刻着一副楹联:“修文演武双能手,护国倒袁一伟人。”是啊!“中国士官三杰”、云南重九起义、護国战争……峥嵘岁月历历在目,人们怎能不钦佩将军超凡的军事才能?其实,他的文笔亦是同样的出类拔萃。“蔡松坡,窗外有甚奇观