Review of Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction in 2007

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stslayer
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China’s pipeline industry has developed for 50 years till 2008. In the past 10 years, more than 50,000 kilometers of long-distance oil and gas pipelines have been constructed, of which gas pipelines reached about 30,000 kilometers, crude oil pipelines about 17,000 kilometers, and product oil pipelines about 7,000 kilometers. Oil and gas pipeline networks across regions have taken shape. Till then, China’s pipeline industry has been ranked among the world’s most advanced either in development speed or in technologies. China has developed a lot both in crude oil pipeline construction and in product oil pipeline construction in the whole year of 2007. China’s pipeline industry has developed for 50 years till 2008. In the past 10 years, more than 50,000 kilometers of long-distance oil and gas pipelines have been constructed, of which gas pipelines reached about 30,000 kilometers, and crude oil pipelines about 17,000 kilometers, and product oil pipelines about 7,000 kilometers. Till then, China’s pipeline industry has been ranked among the world’s most advanced either in development speed or in technologies. China has developed a lot of both in crude oil pipeline construction and in product oil pipeline construction in the whole year of 2007.
地球上的矿物资源对人类生存至关重要,而随着它日趋短缺,人们应将采掘点转向太空。  贵重金属像黄金和铂金用途广泛,可用在任何物件上,诸如手机,电脑直至各类首饰,这些金属元素如此珍贵的部分原因是在地球上寻找它们较为困难,它们通常被埋藏在地球表面极深的底部,因而开采费用昂贵,且有一定的风险,对生态环境也会造成一定破坏。  事实上大多数较容易发现的类似稀有金属几乎已近采尽,目前一些专业开采公司只能将视点瞄
统一麒麟午后红茶品牌对正统英式午后茶的坚持没有错,但是一定要为它找到营销传播的落地点,必须在现实的午后环境下,做到虚实映衬,雅俗得当。  用小投入,获得大回报的传播,是看天吃饭,加上绞尽脑汁的创意,可遇不可求,单靠企业自身是制造不出来这种机会的。所以,在营销当中,要先取其正,后求其异。先把以“午后”为核心的局布好,在通盘考虑的基础上,方可对可以攀附的事件进行甄别和利用,这样才能使企业的营销资源合理
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