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早在100多年前,人们就知道风疹是一种轻度的小儿传染病。它的表现只是轻度上感样症状,皮肤斑丘疹及耳后、颈部淋巴结肿大。1941年,Gregg 报告妊娠早期患过风疹的妇女的婴儿营养不良,有先天性耳聋、白内障和心脏缺陷,引起人们重视。1964年春夏之际,美国全国流行风疹,次年出生的婴儿因子官内感染风疹,发现许多新的临床现象,如新生儿血小板减少性紫癜、肝脾肿大、骨疾患和中枢神经系统炎症性疾患。随着对先天性风疹的病毒学、免疫学、病理及临床研究的深入,先天性风疹综合征(CRS)这个概念逐趋完善。在预防方面,60年代末期研制出风疹减毒活疫苗,经数年试用,目前已进入实用阶段。 As early as 100 years ago, people knew that rubella was a mild form of pediatric infectious disease. Its performance is only mild on the flu-like symptoms, skin rash and ear, neck lymph nodes. In 1941, Gregg reported that infant malnutrition, with congenital deafness, cataracts and heart defects in women with rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy, attracted much attention. The spring and summer of 1964, the United States epidemic of endemic rubella, infants born in the following year infected with rubella and found many new clinical phenomena, such as neonatal thrombocytopenic purpura, hepatosplenomegaly, bone disorders and central nervous system inflammation Sexual disorders. With the development of virology, immunology, pathology and clinical research on congenital rubella, the conception of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) has been gradually improved. In the area of ​​prevention, live attenuated live attenuated rubella vaccine has been developed in the late 1960s and has been in practical use for several years now.
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