定位不同,制作就是不一样这款MS HDPower CY-6000电源处理器定位于中高端级别,专门针对对声音、画质比较挑剔的发烧友而设计。单单从外形上,光是CY-6000那种坚实、厚重且加工工艺精美的外壳已经给人很大的满足感,给人的感觉是相当耐用。而当我扭开CY-6000的螺丝打开外壳后,发现里面的焊接工艺和绝缘导体之间的绝缘处理都做得相当到位。同时,其走线布局也相当清晰,不会给人一种乱糟糟的感觉。
Different positioning, production is different The MS HDPower CY-6000 power processor is located in the high-end level, specifically for the sound, quality is more discerning enthusiasts and design. Just from the appearance, the light is CY-6000 that kind of solid, heavy and exquisite shell process has given a great deal of satisfaction, gives the impression that is quite durable. When I opened the case with the screw of CY-6000, I found that the welding process inside and the insulation between the insulated conductors were done quite well. At the same time, its alignment layout is quite clear, will not give people a mess of feeling.