青年毛泽东在 192 0年的湖南“驱张”运动和湖南自治运动中提出的“湖南自治”和“湖南共和国”思想是他在分析了当时国内外现实政治状况和湖南历史地理状况后提出的一种政治改革方案和国家模式构想。这一思想反映了他反帝反军阀、重视人民群众、重视实际斗争等基本思想倾向 ,同时也具有曲解民族自决理论、提倡狭隘地域主义、推崇自然经济等局限性 ,是青年毛泽东从激进民主主义者向马克思主义者转变时期思想模糊混乱的真实反映
The thought of “self-government in Hunan” and “the Republic of Hunan” put forward by the youth Mao Zedong in Hunan Province in 1920 and the Hunan Autonomous Movement proposed in his analysis of the actual political conditions both at home and abroad and the historical and geographical conditions of Hunan at that time Political reform programs and national model ideas. This thought reflected his tendency of anti-imperialist and anti-warlordism, emphasis on the masses and emphasis on actual struggle, as well as the tendency to misinterpret ethnic self-determination, advocate narrow territorialism and promote the natural economy. This is the result of Mao Zedong’s radical democratization The true reflection of the chaos of chaos in the period of changing to Marxist