世界上什么事最难:答曰:认识自己。 也许有人会说:说浑人、糊涂人不认识自己,那没错。可那些聪明人,怕是不能说他们不认识自己吧?然而,我倒觉得,越是聪明的人越不容易认识自己。古人有言“聪明反被聪明误”。的确,人若是太聪明了,往往会过高地估计自己,以为自己什么都行,什么都懂,这世上没有自己干不了的事。于是便容易得意忘形、自以为是,便什么都敢干,于是乎便会跌跟头,便会摔得鼻青脸肿,甚至会自己毁了自己。不信,你看那些投机钻营、违法乱纪甚至贪赃枉法之人,十有八九聪明之极,很少有傻里巴叽或者先天愚型的。这样的人,能说他认识自己吗?就是那些头脑清醒、循规蹈矩的聪明人,也不见得完全认识自己,有时也难免要干点儿傻事,这也属于是对自己的疏于认识。 从人事心理学的理论角度看,人的行为方式是与其自我认识相一致的,而自我认识本质上是一种现象的实在,它与客观的物质实在(实际的自我)之间有某种程度的一致性,但一致性的程度却是因人而异的。由于人的一切活动都直接或间接地受到其自我认识的影响,若它与客观的物质实在相差较大,则个体就可能经历自我的不协调。其结果,对主体来说会造成紧张和内在混乱,显示出焦虑不安和认识偏差,就会产生对他人和社会的排拒顺应不良等行为,甚至形成各种心理疾?
What’s the hardest thing in the world: Answer: Know yourself. Some people may say: That muddy people, confused people do not know myself, that’s right. Can those smart people, afraid of can not say that they do not know myself? However, I think, the more intelligent people the less easy to know. The ancients have the words “clever counterattack clever mistake.” Indeed, if people are too clever, they tend to overestimate themselves, thinking they can do anything and know everything, and there is no thing they can not do in this world. As a result, he can easily forget about himself. If he thinks he is good, he will dare to do anything. As a result, he will fall by the wayside and will fall ill and bruised, or even destroy himself. Believe it or not, you look at those speculative drills, illegal disciplinary or even corrupt people, nine out of ten clever, very few silly Pakistan grumble or Down’s type. Can such a person say that he knows herself? It is those clever people who are sober-minded and follow the rules. They do not necessarily know themselves completely, and they sometimes inevitably have to do stupid things. This is also a matter of neglecting themselves. From the perspective of the theory of personnel psychology, human behavior is consistent with self-awareness, and self-awareness is essentially the reality of a phenomenon to some extent between it and the objective material reality (actual self) However, the degree of consistency varies from person to person. Since all human activities are directly or indirectly influenced by their own self-knowledge, an individual may experience self-incongruity if it differs greatly from the objective material reality. As a result, tensions and internal chaos can be caused to the subject, showing anxiety and understanding bias, resulting in acts of refusing to comply with others and society, and even forming various psychological diseases?