1998年4月份,陕北天气异常,阴雨、气温反差强烈以及沙尘暴给梨园生产带来灾害,部分梨园坐果率达不到预计的20%。造成这种情况的原因,据我们分析,是由梨树本身的特性和灾害性天气相遇,而果农预防经验不足造成的。 梨树开花非常集中,每花序中中心花与边花开花时间相差不过3天。4月15~16日正值梨盛花期,忽遭10级大风夹沙尘袭击,影响蜜
In April 1998, anomalous weather in northern Shaanxi, rainy weather, intense contrast in temperature and sandstorms caused disasters in the production of pear orchards. Some of the pear orchards failed to reach the expected rate of 20%. The reason for this situation is, according to our analysis, caused by the pearl tree itself encountering the characteristics of catastrophic weather and the fruitless prevention experience of farmers. Pear tree flowering is very concentrated, the center of each inflorescence flowers and edge flowers differ but 3 days. April 15 ~ 16 pear flowering at full bloom, Suddenly 10 winds hit the dust clip, affecting honey