改扩建后的北京南站,一扫以往的落魄形象,成为日吞吐量高达20余万人次的现代化车站。 2006年5月9日晚22时09分,一趟由天津开往乌海西的2141次列车在北京南站停留了大约10分钟后,缓缓驶离。一些旅客拖着行李在夜幕下行色匆匆,他们可能并未留意,从第二天开始,这趟列车在北京地区的停靠会做出小小的更改:始建于1897年的百年老站会正式封站谢客,开始为期两年多的改建工程。而在2005年12月24日,北京
After the renovation and expansion of the Beijing South Railway Station, sweeping the image of the abjection of the past, a daily throughput of up to 200,000 passengers more than the modernization of the station. On May 9, 2006, at 22:09, a 2141 train bound for Wuhai West from Tianjin left for about 10 minutes and left slowly. Some passengers dragging their luggage in the darkness of hurry, they may not notice, from the next day, the train stops in Beijing will make a small change: The century-old station was officially established in 1897 Sealing station Xie Ke, began more than two years of renovation project. In December 24, 2005, Beijing