由第一重型机器厂设计、制造的我国第一台H型钢轧机,自1991年4月24日在马鞍山钢铁公司一次试轧成功以来,轧制出的产品质量不断提高。10月11~14日,一次轧制500多吨质量较高的HZ200 ×100型钢,并全部试销香港,从而结束了我国H型钢完全依赖进口的历史。H型钢具有抗弯、抗扭、抗压的良好力学性能,与普通工字钢相比,在同样承受负荷条件下,用H型钢制做结构件可节省钢材7%至 15%。
The first H-beam mill in China, designed and manufactured by the first heavy machinery factory, has continuously improved the quality of products rolled out since the first trial rolling at Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. on April 24, 1991. October 11 to 14, a rolling more than 500 tons of high quality HZ200 × 100 steel, and all the test marketing in Hong Kong, thus ending the history of China’s H-beam completely dependent on imports. H-beam has good mechanical properties of bending, twisting and compression. Compared with common I-beam, H-beam can save 7% to 15% of the steel with the same load.