史籍屡屡奚落谴责封德彝 ,揆诸实际 ,皆是不实之辞.这是许敬宗借修史之便 ,对封德彝挟私报复所致.许敬宗能售其奸 ,是借了唐太宗的东风.太宗发动玄武门之变 ,杀兄屠弟 ,逼父让权 ,才夺宗称帝.他想留下好名声 ,就定调子修改当代史 ,由许敬宗具体操作.许敬宗对已有稿本凭爱憎曲事修改 ,乘机对已故的封德彝造谣中伤 ,特别以所谓反对太宗当政来激怒太宗 ,最终将封德彝打倒搞臭.因此 ,廓清迷雾 ,弄清史实 ,有助于认识唐初政治史的本来面目“,”The frequent condemnation in history against Feng Deyi, on the basis of fact, was mostly false and invented words. The fact was that Xu Jingzong took the advantage of revising the history with the purpose to retaliate Feng Deyi. Xu Jingzong did evil at his convenience after Emperor Tang Taizong, who killed his brothers and forced his farther for the throne. For a good reputation, he called the tune by revising history, of which Xu Jingzong took the charge. He distorted the historical records according to his personal love and hate, and invented the rumor against Feng Deyi, who had already died, especially Feng Deyi\'s alleged objection to Emperor Tang Taizong\'s reign. And finally Feng Deyi was defamed. Therefore it is significant to reveal the fact, eliminate the false for clarification of history, and helpful for understanding the truth in the political history of the early Tang Dynasty.