Sudden growth in adolescence may be affected by some acute and chronic diseases or nutrient deficiencies. At the same time, adolescent rapid growth and development, but also can cause some nutritional deficiencies or acute and chronic diseases. Some common diseases of adolescence, some from childhood, while others occur in adolescence. Dysplasia: Physical development in adolescence, the individual differences are very large. Occasionally physical development in adolescence is too slow or very rapid and suspected of morbidity, such as physician examination found no vertical body, thyroid, adrenal, gonadal and other endocrine diseases, also found no nutrients or excessive, and other somatic diseases, mostly belong to The normal development of the edge, generally do not need special treatment. For obvious development of speeding girls may use estrogen. On the development of children may be slow to use growth hormone or nandrolone benzene and other androgens. Androgen generally should only be significant dwarfism.