为了紧急应对寨卡病毒(Zika virus,ZKV)经输血传播风险,日前美国FDA根据联邦法规相关规定的授权,紧急发布并立即实施了《血液行业指引——降低ZKV输血传播风险的推荐意见》(以下简称《指引》[1]。现将其主要内容介绍如下。1背景1.1概述ZKV属于黄病毒科的黄病毒属,主要通过埃及伊蚊,也可通过白纹伊蚊传播到人群[2-3]。此外,已有宫内、围产期和性传播的报告[4-6]。1947年从在乌干达寨卡原始
To urgently address the risk of transmission of Zika virus (ZKV) through blood transfusions, the FDA recently issued and immediately implemented the “Blood Industry Guidance - Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of Transfusion of ZKV Transfusions” (the “FDA”), which is mandated by the relevant federal regulations. Hereafter referred to as the “Guidelines.” 1 The main contents are described below.1 Background 1.1 Overview ZKV belongs to the genus of flaviviridae, mainly through Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus can also be transmitted to humans [2- 3] .In addition, intrauterine, perinatal and sexually transmitted reports have been reported [4 - 6]. In 1947 from the original card in Zika, Uganda