从红卫兵到一代思考者 T:许多当年曾肓目而狂热地投入文化大革命的红卫兵,在经历了种种磨难和坎坷后,又以极大的热忱投身到改革的行列中。这是一个耐人寻味的社会历史现象。我们需要研究,从单纯而盲目的红卫兵到成熟而理智的思考者,他们的思想经历了哪些变化?从红卫兵的狂热到投身改革的热忱,这之间又有什么逻辑联系和区别?这些人的思想变化是否代表和揭示了这一代人思想和性格变化发展的普遍规律? G:我认为有这样三个事件可以大致勾勒出我们这代人自文革以来的思想轨迹:“八·一八”、天安门事件和改革。“八一八”是我们这代人置信不疑地卷入文化革命的象征;天安门事件是我们这代人殊途同归普遍觉醒的标志;而改革则是我们在共同的经历和思索中的必然选择。在这二十年中,我们这些文革初期的红卫兵大体经历了以下几个阶段的发展和
From the Red Guards to the Generation of Thinker T: After so many hardships and frustrations, many of the Red Guards who plunged into the Cultural Revolution with zealous attention to the Cultural Revolution devoted themselves with great zeal to the ranks of the reform. This is an interesting social and historical phenomenon. We need to study, from simple and blind Red Guards to mature and rational thinkers, what changes have their thoughts undergone? What are the logical links and differences between the enthusiasm of the Red Guards and their commitment to reform? Do people’s ideological changes represent and reveal the universal laws governing the development of this generation’s thinking and personality? G: I think there are three such events that roughly outline the ideological trajectory of our generation since the Cultural Revolution: “ ”, Tiananmen Square incident and reform. “August 18” is the symbol of our generation’s confidence in the cultural revolution. The Tiananmen Square incident marked the common aspiration of our generation to return to the general public. Reform is an inevitable choice in our common experience and thinking. During these two decades, the Red Guards in our early Cultural Revolution have generally experienced the following stages of development