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作为纪传体通史的鼻祖,《史记》在中国古代史学史和文学史上产生了很大影响。汉代以来,历代都有不少学者对《史记》进行研究,可以说我们今天的《史记》研究就是在前代研究成果基础上的进一步拓展和深入。但长期以来,学者们大多关注于对《史记》本身的研究,而对《史记》研究的历史发展过程及不同时期的特点却缺乏足够的重视。本论文试图对《史记》研究的历史作一勾勒,对每一时期的重要成果进行介绍,在比较各阶段《史记》研究不同特点的基础上,把握《史记》学史发展的脉络。由于时间有限,所以本论文只论及自汉至唐的《史记》研究状况,宋至清的《史记》研究史留待日后完成。 As the originator of the history of discipline and mass communication, “Historical Records” in ancient Chinese history and literary history had a great impact. Since the Han Dynasty, many scholars in all ages have studied the Records of the Historian. It can be said that our study of the Records of the Historian today is based on the research results of the previous generation and further developed. For a long time, however, scholars mostly focused on the study of the Records of the Historian, but lacks sufficient attention to the historical development of the Records of the Historian and the characteristics of different periods. This thesis attempts to outline the history of the study of the Book of Records and introduce the important achievements of each period. Based on the comparison of the different characteristics of the study of the Book of Records, we grasp the development of the history of the Book of Records. Due to the limited time, this thesis deals only with the research status of “Historical Records” from Han to Tang Dynasty, and the research history of “Historical Records” by Song Zhiqing remains to be completed in the future.
今后5年,是我省加快工业化、信息化、城市化和市场化进程,为提前基本实现现代化奠定坚实基础的关键时期。经济社会发展的主要目标是:国民经济增长速度高于全国平均水平, In
Mark Dunhill是叼着金勺子出生的,这样说,绝对不过分。不是每个人都有幸出生在一个非常成功的家族中,所以,从Mark出生的那天起,大家就关注着这位Dunhill家族的第三代承继者
在16840cm-1-16860cm-1内测量了NO2分子的塞曼调制光谱(ZMS),得到了相对简化的NO2分子光谱的转动结构,解释了塞曼调制光谱的形成原因和它的主要特征.表明ZMS光谱技术有助于对NO2复杂的转动结构进行标识。 The Zeeman