傣族是一个勤劳智慧的民族,主要聚居在云南省富饶美丽的西南边境——德宏傣族景颇族自治州及西双版纳傣族自治州两地。这些地区,气候炎热多雨,物产丰富。西双版纳誉为“滇南谷仓”。傣族人民根据当地的自然条件与民族生活习惯,在长期的实践中,创造了具有浓厚民族风格与地区特点的傣族民居。 傣族民居的传统形式为楼房,即“干阑”建筑,一般称“竹楼”。在其主要聚居地区,均属此种形式。此外,在元江一带,
The Yi ethnic minority is a diligent and intelligent nation. They mainly live in the fertile and beautiful southwest border of Yunnan Province—the Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture and the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. In these areas, the weather is hot and rainy with abundant products. Xishuangbanna is known as the “southern barn.” Based on the local natural conditions and national life habits, the Dai people have created a Dai nationality residence with strong ethnic style and regional characteristics in long-term practice. The traditional form of the Dong ethnic dwellings is the building, which is called the “dry cocoon” building and is generally called the “bamboo house”. In its main area of concentration, it is in this form. In addition, in the Yuanjiang area,