Numerical modeling of flow in continuous bends from Daliushu to Shapotou in Yellow River

来源 :Water Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaokun787
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The upper reach of the Yellow River from Daliushu to Shapotou consists of five bends and has complex topography. A two-dimensional Re-Normalisation Group(RNG) k-ε model was developed to simulate the flow in the reach. In order to take the circulation currents in the bends into account, the momentum equations were improved by adding an additional source term. Comparison of the numerical simulation with field measurements indicates that the improved two-dimensional depth-averaged RNG k-ε model can improve the accuracy of the numerical simulation. A rapid adaptive algorithm was constructed, which can automatically adjust Manning’s roughness coefficient in different parts of the study river reach. As a result, not only can the trial computation time be significantly shortened, but the accuracy of the numerical simulation can also be greatly improved. Comparison of the simulated and measured water surface slopes for four typical cases shows that the longitudinal and transverse slopes of the water surface increase with the average velocity upstream. In addition, comparison was made between the positions of the talweg and the main streamline, which coincide for most of the study river reach. However, deviations between the positions of the talweg and the main streamline were found at the junction of two bends, at the position where the river width suddenly decreases or increases. The upper reach of the Yellow River from Daliushu to Shapotou consists of five bends and has complex topography. A two-dimensional Re-Normalization Group (RNG) k-ε model was developed to simulate the flow in the reach. In order to take the The momentum equations were improved by adding an additional source term. Comparison of the numerical simulation with field measurements that the improved two-dimensional depth-averaged RNG k-ε model can improve the accuracy of the numerical simulation. A rapid adaptive algorithm was constructed, which can automatically adjust Manning’s roughness coefficient in different parts of the study river reach. As a result, not only can the trial computation time be marked shortened, but the accuracy of the numerical simulation can also be greatly improved. Comparison of the simulated and measured water surface slopes for four typical cases shows that the longitudinal and transverse slopes of t In addition, comparison was made between the positions of the talweg and the main streamline, which coincide for most of the study of the river reach. were found at the junction of two bends, at the position where the river width
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