科学的哲学“Philosophy of Science,”Philipp Frank著,美国Prentice-Hall Inc.书店出版,1957,pp.XXII+394。这部书就书名来说,可能有两个不同的解释:一是以哲学为主,书的内容是哲学的问题,或极據科学觀點推阐出来的哲学;一是以科学为主,内容所说乃是科学本身的问题,或由科学发生的问题。本书的性質属於后一类,而不属於前一类,这是开始时必须交代清楚的。本书内容包括引论和正文十五章,各章均有总目与细目,兹僅将各章总目譯出以见内容的一斑: 引论科学的哲学有什磨用处? 第1章连结科学与哲学的鎖链; 第2章鎖链的崩壤; 第3章几何学一科学的一个例子;
Philosophy of Science “Philosophy of Science,” Philipp Frank, Prentice-Hall Inc., USA Bookstore, 1957, pp. XXII + 394. This book on the title, there may be two different explanations: First, the main philosophy, the content of the book is a philosophical problem, or according to a scientific point of view out of philosophy; first, science-based, What is said is the problem of science itself or of science. The nature of this book belongs to the latter category, not to the former, which must be clarified at the outset. The book includes fifteen chapters of the introduction and the main text. Each chapter has its own headings and details. Only the head of each chapter will be translated into the following content: What is the Usefulness of the Philosophy of Science? The chain of science and philosophy; the chain collapse of Chapter 2; Chapter 3, an example of geometry-science;