池塘施肥养鱼,一般以鲢鳙鱼为主,再搭配少量的草鱼、罗非鱼等其他鱼。所施肥料都是绿肥、粪肥等有机肥和硫酸铵、过磷酸钙等无机肥。这种养鱼方法具有肥源广、成本低与操作简便等优点。但是我省沿用此法生产的效果却很不平衡。有的亩产成鱼1,000斤以上,有的只有100斤左右。鱼产量所以如此悬殊,主要是在掌握施肥后水质变化规律与管理技术的水平上高低不同所造成的。为此,根据实践体会和有关资料,谈谈这两个问题。 一、池塘施肥后水质变化规律 一般施入池塘中的各种有机肥料,经过细菌作用,分解成各种无机盐类为浮游
Pond fertilization fish, generally silver carp bighead carp, then with a small amount of grass carp, tilapia and other fish. The fertilizer is green manure, manure and other organic fertilizer and ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and other inorganic fertilizers. This method of fish culture with a wide source of fertilizer, low cost and easy operation and so on. However, the method used by our province to produce this method is very uneven. Some mu produce more than 1,000 pounds of fish, and some only about 100 pounds. Therefore, fish production so disproportionate, mainly in the grasp of the law of water quality changes after fertilization and management of the level of technology caused by different levels. To this end, based on practical experience and relevant information, talk about these two issues. First, the law of water quality changes after pond fertilization Generally applied to the pond in a variety of organic fertilizers, after the role of bacteria, broken down into various inorganic salts for the plankton