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用组织学和组织化学方法对胎龄15d到生后4周大鼠的输尿管和膀胱变移上皮的发育进行研究。从胎龄15d到生后第3周期间各项指标有显著变化,约生后第3周末趋稳定。此时,该上皮较迅速地分化而趋成熟。在发育过程中,RNA和糖原先增多,后减少;SDH、AcP和AlP等的活性渐增强;但ATPase为阴性反应。胎龄15d时,此两器官上皮的形态及一些组织化学指标有差别,以后渐趋一致,成为同型的变移上皮,表明两者上皮发育有“殊途同归”现象。胎龄15d的膀胱上皮多处呈复层上皮样,并可见浅表细胞退变。表明膀胱上皮一度为较原始的复层上皮,经退变后再演化为变移上皮;而输尿管上皮则由单层细胞直接分化形成。从理论上推测,这两个器官的上皮发育过程(包括一过性的细胞退变),除受胚胎诱导作用外,还可能受泌尿道内容物的质和量的影响。 Histological and histochemical methods were used to study the development of ureter and bladder transitional epithelium in rats from gestational age 15 days to 4 weeks after birth. From the gestational age of 15d to the third week after birth, all the indexes had significant changes, and they tended to be stable at the end of the third trimester. At this point, the epithelium differentiates more rapidly and becomes more mature. In the process of development, RNA and glycogen increased first and then decreased; activity of SDH, AcP and AlP gradually increased; but ATPase was negative reaction. The gestational age 15d, the two organ epithelial morphology and some histochemical differences, and later become the same, become the same type of transitional epithelium, indicating that both epithelial development has “the same thing” phenomenon. Bladder epithelial 15 days gestational age multiple stratified epithelial samples, and visible superficial cells degeneration. Show that the bladder epithelium was once the original stratified epithelium, degenerated and then evolved to shift the epithelium; and ureter epithelial cells by the direct differentiation of monolayers formed. It is hypothesized theoretically that the epithelial developmental processes (including transient degeneration) in both organs may be affected by the quality and quantity of the urinary tract contents, in addition to embryo induction.
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