再生障碍性贫血 (AA)患者血浆中的各种造血调控因子在其骨髓造血功能衰竭中所起的作用是目前研究的热点。我们检测了AA患者血浆IL 18、IL 6、IL 8、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF α)及血浆膜攻击性补体复合物 (sC5b 9) ,并探讨其在AA发病中的作用和临床意义。病例和方
Aplastic anemia (AA) patients with various hematopoietic regulatory factors in the role of bone marrow hematopoietic failure is the current research hot spots. We examined the plasma levels of IL-18, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha and plasma membrane-associated complement complex (sC5b9) in AA patients and explored their role in the pathogenesis of AA and its clinical significance. Case and party