The contents of fat and fatty acid in 814 soybean varieties in Jilin Province were determined. The average content of fat was 19.38%. The fatty acid composition was linoleic acid with the average content of 54.87% and the average contents of oleic acid and linolenic acid were 21.36% and 8.96% respectively. Comparison of different types of varieties, fat content: the type of cultivation> semi-cultivated types, early maturing varieties> late-maturing varieties, palmitic acid and oleic acid content of the type of differences between the same and fat trends; stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid content The difference between the types and the trend of fat content is the opposite, that is, semi-cultivated type> cultivated type, late-matured type> precocious variety. Compared with the local cultivars, the fat content, the cultivated varieties> the local cultivars were the same; the differences between palmitic acid content and fat content were the same; the content of linolenic acid was the opposite; the difference between stearic acid, Significant. 10 varieties with more than 22% fat content, 10 varieties with linolenic acid content of 6% and 9 varieties with more than 60% linoleic acid content were identified and identified. List the preservation number and variety as saying that the source and origin, for breeding selection.