各区县国土房管局,各业主大会: 为指导和规范业主大会选聘物业管理企业的行为,根据《物业管理条例》及《北京市招标投标条例》的有关规定,现就我市业主大会物业管理招标的有关问题提出如下意见: 一、原(前期)物业服务合同到期,业主大会决定续聘原物业管理企业提供服务的,可不再进行招标,直接授权业主委员会续签合同。业主大会决定另行选聘物业管理企业的,提倡通过公开、公平、公正的招投标方式进行。二、业主大会应将续聘或者更换物业管理企业的决议, 作为物业管理区域的重大事项及时告知当地街道办事处
Land and Land Bureau of all districts and counties, the owners of the General Assembly: In order to guide and regulate the owners’ congress to select property management business behavior, according to the “Property Management Regulations” and “Beijing Tendering Bid Ordinance,” the relevant provisions of the owners of our city property management Proposals related to the bidding are as follows: First, the original (previous) property service contract expires, the owners decided to re-employ the original property management company to provide services, may no longer be tender, directly authorize the owner committee to renew the contract. Owners decided to choose another property management business congress, to promote open, fair and equitable way of bidding. Second, the owners of the General Assembly shall renew or replace the property management company’s resolution, as a property management area of the major issues promptly inform the local streets offices