In winter, flowers and pests enter hibernation in various ways. At this moment pests no longer endanger landscaping, but still need to do prevention work. Due to overwintering insect pest base on the impact of pests in the coming year a great impact. Seize the favorable opportunity of winter pest, you can achieve a multiplier effect. 1. Clean the garden. In combination with Qingyuan in winter, it will focus on dealing with the old leaves of stubble, removing dead branches, deciduous leaves, bark and weeds to eliminate the overwintering places of pests. 2. Artificial removal. A lot of winter pupae, the protection is exposed, can be combined with manicure removal. Such as the winter cocoon moths, large moths worm capsule, tumor nocturnal moths and cents caterpillars eggs and so on. 3. Turn the basin for soil. Some insects such as moth pupa, grasshopper eggs, adult thrips and other overwintering in the soil, the winter overturning soil and pots around the soil or change the soil, pests can be turned to the ground on the freeze-dried, dried to death, Or eaten by birds and other natural enemies. 4. Pharmacy control. If the environment is suitable (especially in greenhouses), flowers and trees will still be endangered by some pests. Can use 2.5% of the enemy to kill, 20% off sweeping 2000-3000