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基于场效应晶体管(FET)结构的光电探测器能通过栅压抑制噪声信号并具有光电信号放大的功能。有机半导体材料已经被广泛应用到光敏晶体管中,全有机探测器对于实现大面积器件制备、降低成本及柔性器件具有十分重大的意义。然而,多层有机聚合物的成膜,必须避免在溶液制备过程中的“溶剂腐蚀”问题。实验中,采用顶栅底接触(TGBC)FET结构及正交溶剂(orthogonal solvent)的方法,以乙酸丁酯作为聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)(PMMA)的溶剂,避免对聚(3-己基噻吩)(P3HT)有源层的破坏,成功制备了性能优良的全有机光电探测器Au(源漏极)/P3HT(150 nm)/PMMA(800 nm)/Al(栅极),其“开/关”电流比达到103,迁移率达8×10-3cm2·V-1·s-1。该器件对350~650 nm的光照均有响应,在0.1 m W/cm2光照下其“明/暗”电流比达75。在600 nm光照下,其最大响应度达到0.28 A/W,其响应度变化趋势与P3HT的吸收光谱情况相似。 Based on field-effect transistor (FET) structure of the photodetector can suppress the noise signal by gate voltage and has the function of optical signal amplification. Organic semiconductor materials have been widely used in phototransistors. All-organic detectors are of great significance for large area device fabrication, cost reduction and flexible devices. However, the multi-layer organic polymer filming, the solution must be avoided in the “solvent corrosion” problem. In the experiment, the method of using top gate bottom contact (TGBC) FET structure and orthogonal solvent was adopted, butyl acetate was used as the solvent of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) Thiophene) (P3HT) active layer, successfully prepared Au (source / drain) / P3HT (150 nm) / PMMA (800 nm) / Al (gate) On / off “current ratio reached 103, the mobility of 8 × 10-3cm2 · V-1 · s-1. The device responds to light from 350 to 650 nm with a ”bright / dark" current ratio of 75 at 0.1 mW / cm2. At 600 nm, the maximum responsivity reached 0.28 A / W, and the change trend of responsivity was similar to that of P3HT.
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