按照马克思主义的世界观,现实世界既是多样的,又是统一的。世界的统一性就在于它的物质性。因此我们说,世界是物质的,是统一的,是一元的。马克思主义的世界观是一种一以贯之的哲学,这种多样的统一,不仅存在于宏观世界,也是任何一个事物、任何一个命题中都必然存在的个别与一般、个性与共性的客观辩证法。 存在决定意识。一个政党、一个国家,要想实现自己的纲领和最终目标,不仅要求要有行动上的一致,也要求有思想上的统一;而要做到行动上的一致,首先要有思想上的统一。
According to the Marxist world outlook, the real world is both diverse and unified. The unity of the world lies in its materiality. Therefore, we say that the world is material, unified and monistic. The Marxist world outlook is a consistent philosophy, and this diverse unity exists not only in the macro world, but also as an objective dialectic of individuality, generality, individuality and commonality that must exist in any one thing or any proposition. There is a sense of decision. If a political party or a country wants to realize its own program and its ultimate goal, it requires not only an operational agreement but also an ideological unity. To achieve the same goal in action, we must first have the ideological unity.