
来源 :河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lb_124
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抗战时期 ,陈云对大后方党组织建设做出了重要的理论贡献 :依据当时国情和对过去白区党的工作经验的总结 ,明确提出了大后方党的“长期埋伏 ,积蓄力量 ,以待时机”的基本任务 ;针对大后方党的长期秘密的特点 ,提出了“党内小党外大”的指导方针 ;鉴于敌人企图一网打尽我党组织的险恶局势 ,提出了大后方党组织必须建立“杂乱无章”的多样化的组织形式 ;根据大后方是国民党统治地区的环境条件 ,强调了各级党委必须成为“国民党通”,学会和利用国民党内部矛盾争取革命力量的工作方法 ;吸取过去白区党组织因缺乏外层掩护而遭受打击的教训 ,制定了大后方“党内工作是秘密的 ,党外活动是公开的”斗争策略 During the war of resistance against Japan, Chen Yun made an important theoretical contribution to the construction of the party building in the rear area: According to the national conditions of the time and the summary of the work experience of the past white-party parties, Chen Yun clearly set forth the “long-term ambush and accumulated strength in the rear area and the waiting time In view of the enemy’s attempt to scrape through the sinister situation of our party’s organization, we proposed that the party behind the big rear must establish a ”clutter-free system According to the rear of the KMT under the environmental conditions of the area under the rule, emphasizing the party committees at all levels must become “the KMT”, learn and use the contradictions within the KMT for revolutionary forces working methods; learn from the past White Party organizations Lack of outer cover and suffer the blow of the lesson, developed a big rear “intra-party work is secret, non-party activities are open,” the fight strategy
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