脆弱性是发展中国家国际行为的一个致命的弱点 ,克服国际脆弱性是发展中国家在经济全球化进程中能否取得成功的关键。同时 ,发展中国家克服国际脆弱性也将对南北关系和改变不公正、不合理的国际制度产生重大的影响。本文通过探讨发展中国家减轻国际脆弱性的现实途径 ,分析南北关系的现状 ,指出当前区域性南北关系的发展对发展中国家改制与转制所起的作用。
Vulnerability is a fatal weakness in the international behavior of developing countries. Overcoming international vulnerabilities is the key to the success of developing countries in the process of economic globalization. At the same time, the ability of developing countries to overcome international vulnerabilities will also have a significant impact on North-South relations and on changing the unjust and unreasonable international system. This paper analyzes the current situation of the North-South relations by exploring the practical ways for the developing countries to reduce their international vulnerabilities and points out the role of the current development of the North-South relations in developing countries in their restructuring and transformation.