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  The simplicity of storylines.
  How could anyone sit through a film like 1)Nashville or 2)Short Cuts without wanting to 3)yank their own teeth out? What is this over-complicated nonsense? Where’s the natural dramatic curve that all movies should have? Where’s the love story? What about the lover’s quarrel between the male and female 4)protagonists leading to a 5)gratifying resolution at the end of the film? And, most importantly, what gives with the complete lack of SPECIAL EFFECTS! Who did Altman think he was to make a movie without
  6)fiery explosions and 15 car pile-ups (and I don’t mean traffic jams) —the life blood of American cinema! Short Cuts indeed...too many!
  A perfectly comprehensible 7)obsession with happy endings.
  8)David Lynch should be tied up and shot for 9)treason.
  I’ve never seen anything that made less sense to me than, well, any of his movies. Never trust a man with hair like that. Americans want happy endings and seeing 10)villains full of gunshot wounds. We want bad guys falling through windows, falling into vats of acid or fried by plunging into electrical fences. In fact, there’s a pattern here which you might have noticed if you were as 11)observant as I am: the more the villain is reduced to a state of 12)humiliation and utter 13)obliteration, the greater the satisfaction of the paying audiences. That’s the American way, no?
  I propose changing “apple pie” to “14)CGI”.
  I could understand if you were still living back in the 70’s and hadn’t seen a movie for 15 years, but c’mon! Special effects have come a very long way in the past decade! We now have the ability to make almost entire movies with CGI like Attack of the Clones or Crystal Skull. Do we even need actors anymore? No, of course not! They’re only still around because we haven’t been able to make movie watchers fall in love with 15)pixels or robots yet. And when that glorious day comes, my friends, cinema will have reached its highest artistic point.
  Repeat after me:
  Movies are only good when they cost/make a lot of money.
  I was standing in line at the ATM a while back when I saw these 16)artsy types coming out of a nearby theater following a showing of Avatar. One of the two was shaking his head and telling the other one that he felt “let down” by the movie. I swung around just as he passed me from behind and grabbed him by the throat, demanding an explanation. The 17)beatnik proceeded to tell me through his 18)grimy beard how there was no soul to American movies anymore and that directors are “afraid to take any risks” because it would mean losing a profit. I laughed in his face and told him that every movie was a risk, that quite a few big movies had also gone under. Remember 19)Waterworld? The worm had little choice to agree, but had the 20)gall to say that I wasn’t taking a “general view” on things (that’s what people accuse me of when they don’t have any 21)rebuttals).
  Movies should only be in English.
  I was once force-fed an old French movie called Le Maybe or Le Maple Tree. The only thing that kept me awake was the fact that 22)Jack Palance was in it! See, that’s where foreign films don’t make any sense to me—you suppose that the people would make rational decisions, but in the end everyone just puts themselves in pretty poses and acts all artsy. Everyone in European movies thinks they’re so deep with their symbols. In American movies the only symbols we need are guns! How’s that for a universal symbol?
  If it’s not a remake, there’s a 90% chance that it sucks.
  As I told you before, we’re living in great times! Over the past ten years Hollywood has been feeding us the same plots and characters from the classics we or our older brothers and sisters grew up with, but better. Everyone knows how painful it can be to watch movies that are at least ten years old. Yes, I too know the feeling of having to ignore embarrassing 23)blemishes such as out-of-style clothes, outdated dialogues and scenery that just wouldn’t cut it by today’s standards. Why, just consider for a minute what Casablanca would look like if 24)Humphrey Bogart single-handedly took on the entire Nazi guard at the airport during the final scene! And wouldn’t you be more intrigued to see old 25)Sam strumming bar chords on an electric guitar instead of that boring, 26)sappy instrument that no one plays anymore?
  Play it again, Sam.
Though my mother was already two years dead  Dad kept her slippers warming by the gas,  put hot 1)water bottles her side of the bed  and still went to renew her transport pass.    You couldn’t just dr
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2001年9月,《疯狂英语阅读版》第一期与读者见面,从此掀起一股疯狂学英语的热潮……  2011年9月,她十岁了,年轻且充满朝气,始终秉承“享受英语,享受阅读”的理念,不仅为大家带来地道的英语,还着眼于培养读者学习英语的兴趣,扩大读者的阅读知识层面,让读者真正地理解、掌握英语,热爱并享受英语。CR的文章总透露出淡淡的人文关怀和对创新的追求,让人读后有所启发,为之感动。  十年,于CR而言,是短暂的
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