湖北省共建有各类大中小型水库6000余座,总库容量达近500亿立方米。其中大中型水库290余座,而库容大于1亿立方米的大型水库就有50座。无论从水库的数量和总库容量,在全国均位于前列。但由于历史原因以及人们对地震工作的认识程度和经济发展等方面的多种因素,湖北省在水库及江堤的防震减灾工作还存在许多急待解决的问题: 1、水库及江堤未能按国家要求和防震减灾的需要开展地震安全性评价工作。全省已建和在建的290余座大中型水库中,作过地震安全性评价工作的只有156座,仅占大中型水库总数的53%。其余大量中小型水库基本上未作过任何地震安全评价工作。 2、在已作过地震安全性评价工作中的156座大中型水库中,真正作过详细地震研究的只有丹江口、葛洲坝、隔河岸等21座小库,仅占全省大中型水库总数的7.2%。另135座水库仅只做过一般性
Hubei Province has built a total of more than 6,000 large, medium and small reservoirs with a total storage capacity of nearly 50 billion cubic meters. Among them, there are more than 290 medium- and large-sized reservoirs, while there are 50 large reservoirs with a storage capacity of more than 100 million cubic meters. No matter from the number of reservoirs and the total reservoir capacity, are in the forefront of the country. However, due to historical reasons, as well as people’s awareness of earthquake work and economic development, there are still many urgent problems to be solved in reservoirs and embankments in Hubei Province. According to national requirements and earthquake prevention and disaster reduction needs to carry out earthquake safety assessment. Among the 290 large and medium-sized reservoirs that have been built and under construction in the province, only 156 have passed the seismic safety assessment, accounting for only 53% of the total number of large and medium-sized reservoirs. The rest of a large number of small and medium reservoirs basically did not make any seismic safety assessment. 2. Among 156 large and medium-sized reservoirs that have been evaluated for seismic safety, only 21 small reservoirs, such as Danjiangkou, Gezhouba, and banks across the river, account for only about 7.2 of the total large and medium-sized reservoirs in the province %. The other 135 reservoirs have only done generality