从兴趣入手 培养学生数学思维

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一年级数学教学中,教师要重视和发展学生的学习兴趣,让学生善于发现新问题,提出新见解。思维是根本,兴趣是思维的源泉,思维的培养是以兴趣为基础的。从心理角度而言,如抓住学生的某些心理特征,对教学将起到一个巨大的推动作用。兴趣的培养就是一个重要的方面,兴趣能激发大脑组织,加工有利于发现事物的新要素,并进行探索创造。兴趣是学习的最佳营养和催化剂。学生对学习有兴趣,对学习材料的反映也就最清晰。思维活动是最积极有效的,它能使学习取得事半功倍的效果。 In the first grade of mathematics teaching, teachers should pay attention to and develop students’ interest in learning so that students are good at discovering new problems and come up with new ideas. Thinking is the fundamental, interest is the source of thinking, thinking is based on the training of interest. From a psychological point of view, such as grasping some of the psychological characteristics of students, teaching will play a huge role in promoting. The development of hobbies is an important aspect. Interest can stimulate brain tissue, process new elements that are good for discovering things, and explore and create. Interest is the best nutrition and catalyst to learn. Students are interested in learning, the most clear reflection of the learning materials. Thinking activity is the most positive and effective, it can make learning more effective.
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