Determination of chlorogenic acid by flow injection irreversible biamperometry

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feifeifo123
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A flow injection irreversible biamperometric method for the determination of chlorogenic acid is described.The proposedmethod is based on the electrochemical oxidation of chlorogenic acid at pretreated platinum electrode and the reduction ofpermanganate at another electrode to form an irreversible biamperometric detection system.Under the external potential difference(△E)of 0 V,in the 0.05 mol/L sulfuric acid,chlorogenic acid can be determined over the range 0.8-120 mg/L with a samplemeasurement frequency of 80 samples/h.The detection limit is 0.18 mg/L.The proposed method exhibits the satisfactoryreproducibility with a relative standard derivation(R.S.D.)of 2.21%for 19 successive determinations of 40 mg/L. A flow injection irreversible biamperometric method for the determination of chlorogenic acid is described. The proposed method is based on the electrochemical oxidation of chlorogenic acid at pretreated platinum electrode and the reduction of permanganate at another electrode to form an irreversible biamperometric detection system. Under the external potential difference (ΔE) of 0 V in the 0.05 mol / L sulfuric acid, chlorogenic acid can be determined over the range of 0.8-120 mg / L with a sample measurement frequency of 80 samples / h. The detection limit is 0.18 mg / L. The proposed method exhibits the gravitational productivity with a relative standard derivation (RSD) of 2.21% for 19 successive determinations of 40 mg / L.
1 概述低压二氧化碳灭火系统是目前国际上应用较广的一种现代化灭火设施。我厂在总结了高压二氧化碳灭火系统存在的不足之处,并吸收国外先进技术和结合国内实际的基础上,研
文题  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  粉笔灰怎么飘动?如何才能消除它对师生健康的危害?大部分人可能没有关注,但中学生小郭却注意了,他希望找到解决办法,于是邀请几位有兴趣的同学,组成研究小组分工合作,并花费大量课余时间自学了大学微积分、流体力学等知识。  尽管小郭因此学业成绩波动,但他们还是赢得了父母的理解和支持,学校也特地为他们提供了一间创新型实验室。每天课后,他们就戴着口罩在实验室与粉笔灰亲
摘要:文章针对当代大学教育的一些误区,以社会和谐发展为着眼点,围绕学生能力培养,从积极心理学的角度,探索教育和管理之道,創新教育思路和教学技术手段,以期学校同行提高认识,分享经验,开创构建“和谐课堂”教育方式转变的新局面,籍以彰显教育和教师的魅力。  关键词:积极心理学;以人为本;和谐课堂    不久前,某校一名在校学生,因信奉“知识改变命运”的理念受到现实生活严重的挑战,加之家庭贫困和学校不适当