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一切学术研究的终极目的都是为了应用于实践,服务于社会,语言科学的研究亦如此。应用语言学就是为了语言的应用而产生的一门新兴的交叉性学科,它研究语言在社会和科技中的应用问题,因此在国际上越来越受到人文科学和自然科学界及许多国家政府的重视,成为最具有活力、发展最快的学科之一。然而,长期以来,国内语言文字研究领域一直保持着纯形式静态研究一统天下的局面,较少关注语言的应用功能,直到进入90年代,这种局面才被打破。具有卓识远见的广东教育出版社则早已意识到应用语言将在社会生活中扮演着重要的角色。于是,他们立足现实,总结目前学术界最新应用语言 The ultimate goal of all academic research is to apply it to practice and serve the social and linguistic science as well. Applied Linguistics is a new and interdisciplinary discipline for language application. It studies the application of language in society and science and technology and is therefore increasingly valued internationally by the humanities and natural sciences and by many governments , Becoming one of the most dynamic and fastest growing disciplines. However, for a long period of time, the field of domestic language and writing has been maintaining the monopoly of static state all over the world, and has paid less attention to the application of language. This situation was not broken until the 1990s. Guangdong Education Press, with its foresight and foresight, has long realized that application languages ​​will play an important role in social life. So, based on reality, they summarize the latest application language in academia
“见える”这个自动词,在一般词典中都主要地译成“看得见”。但仅“看得见”一词并不能说明它的全部含意。为说明这个问题,让我们来看以下两组例句: A、海见/从这儿可看到
Topaz was previously considered as a typical hydrothermal mineral, and topaz greisen a typically altered rock. However, the geological and geochemical evidence
应读者要求,本刊从第七期起增辟《翻译实践》栏,提倡通过翻译实践,探讨翻译技巧,交流翻译经验。欢迎广大读者提出意见和要求,协助我们办好这一专栏。 At the request of the
取个好名字@田凤 Take a good name @ Tian Feng
经实验测定:栾树超氧化物岐化酶最适pH值为5.5;最适温度为42℃;在受水分胁迫过程中,0~2.5hSOD活性较强,之后呈下降态势,24h后活性变化较缓 The experimental results showed that the optimal pH valu
叙述了1995年11月13日朔州ML4.5地震宏观烈度的分布特征,分析了这次地震的发震构造,并对今后这一地区的地震危险性进行了探讨和预测 The distribution of macroscopic intensity of the ML4