There is no substitute for face-to-face exchange

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  Dr. Andreas Gruchow, Member of the managing board, Deutsche Messe AG Hannover, tells the reporter that since the beginning of the spread of the coronavirus also in Europe, the company is in constant contact with the responsible authorities in Germany - very specifically with the local administration on site, the Hannover Region Health Office responsible for Deutsche Messe in Hannover (in Germany, in the federal state of Lower Saxony). The latter has decreed that no major events may be held at present. This includes all events that run at the Hannover trade fair venue. Since mid-March, even avoidable gatherings of more than two people in public are prohibited.

  The consequences of the decree of the Hannover Region Health Authority in combination with the requirements in other parts of Germany, Europe and the world hit the Company hard. In fact, there is currently no event business taking place. Dr. Andreas Gruchow tells the reporter that Deutsche Messe AG Hannover’s business in China and other countries such as Turkey, Mexico, USA and Australia are also affected. On the SNIEC grounds in Shanghai, no trade fairs have been held since January on the instructions of the Chinese government until further notice. Also, Deutsche Messe had to postpone all events this spring in Hannover and other locations. “Momentarily no one can estimate how the situation will develop. We have to wait and see - like all other organizers of major events worldwide.” Dr. Gruchow adds. However, in order to protect the health of our employees, exhibitors and visitors, as well as the entire population of Hannover, there is currently no other option but to suspend the trade fair business. “We have the greatest understanding for this and therefore strictly follow the instructions of the authorities. Currently, slowing down the spread of the virus and thus saving lives has absolute top priority.”
  Dr. Gruchow points out that the long-term consequences for the global trade fair industry will be enormous and cannot yet be estimated in any way. Real business will collapse this year alone - and probably in the billions. The extent to which trade fairs are mirror images of the economy unfortunately becomes clear once again in this situation. Trade fair organizers are all directly affected by the outbreak of the corona virus; nobody knows when and how the trade fair business will pick up again. The industry is currently at a standstill. “Nobody could have anticipated such a situation and effects, which have not been seen in this dimension worldwide since World War II. Therefore, no preparation has been possible at any time and in any way.” He observes.
  One thing Dr. Gruchow is certain of, however, is that once the corona crisis and the isolation that has since been imposed worldwide have been overcome, there will be an even greater need for people to meet face-to-face and exchange information directly - and not just digitally.“There is no substitute for personal contact.”He concludes.
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